Interested in cloth diapering but don't know where to begin? This class is for you! My cloth diapering class is a super simple private lesson in your home. It’s an hour and a half long and it's an overview of the different types of diapers such as prefolds, all-in-ones, pocket diapers, workhorses, flats, etc. I bring examples and a doll so you can try them out. We talk about the difference between materials and brands so you can make an educated decision. I cover what to purchase, how to use, fold, store, and most importantly wash! I get your washer/dryer type before the lesson and put together a wash routine for you based on your needs. Included in the cost of the class is a sample bag with a free test strip to test for hard/soft water (which is super important to know for your wash routine), a few of my favorite mama/baby products, one of my go-to biodegradable bamboo disposable diapers (for travel/laundry day/overnights), and my favorite cloth wipe and all natural cloth wipes solution. You also get access to my Amazon cloth diaper and accessories list and 2 phone/text/FaceTime check-ins with me once baby is here if you have any questions and need help finding a solution. This class is $85 per couple. Book a group class with your friends and get $20 off!
Virtual Doula Support
Want the guidance of a birth worker but not interested in having a doula person present at your birth? Having baby number 2 or 3 or 4 or more and just need a refresher? Would like someone to guide your partner in offering you the best support? I offer 2 prenatal meetings to discuss your birth preparation and preferences, fears, concerns, and childbirth education. We can do this in person if you are local to Los Angeles or arrange a skype/facetime meeting. Starting at 38 weeks I am available for on-call phone, text, facetime support 24/7. I offer virtual guidance during labor so you feel confident laboring at home and help you decide when the right time is to head to the hospital or birthing center. I am in contact with you or your partner throughout labor, birth, and immediate postpartum to answer any questions you have. We have one postpartum meeting to discuss breastfeeding, postpartum healing, infant care, and mental health. Virtual Doula Services are customizable and range from $500-$1500 depending on your needs. Contact me for more information.
Childbirth Education
Is your schedule too hectic to attend group childbirth education classes? I am available for private, in home, one-on-one classes that fit your schedule. These classes cover the understanding of birth and its stages, preparing for birth and what to pack for the hospital or birthing center, coping with labor, making informed decisions, breastfeeding, newborn care, and postpartum physical and mental health care for the birthing person. This class is 4 hours long which can be split over two days or completed in one day. $200
Birth Pool Rental
Birth Pool in a Box - Eco Pool Mini is available to rent. This pool is perfect or small spaces. It is shaped like a pod and has plenty of room for the birthing person. A small seat and a cup holder are built into the tub. Pool rental comes with one disposable liner ($40 value), water pump, air pump, hose, thermometer, and instructions. Pool and all equipment (except liner) must be returned within 2 weeks of birth. $200